Techique uses hypnotism over the subject to answer series of questions which uncover past life identity & events.
Past Life Regression and Past Life Regression Therapy are two different things.
Many therapists like Deepali Dubey conducts sessions on Past Life Regression Therapy (Noida, Ghaziabad, NCR,Delhi-India) to make a client experience a past life only. Once a past life is visited, it’s important to resolve the respective life and release the stuck-up energy in that life too, which in most cases includes resolution techniques to be followed depending on the type of memory. It is not the case that all energy is released by mere visiting the past life. If this resolution is not done correctly, there are chances of the client feeling worse than they were when they came for the regression . Hypnotherapy and PLRT are different. Hypnotherapy is using hypnotic trance as a state of mind to induce suggestions to one’s sub-conscious mind. It is useful in cases like addictions etc only till the point intense emotional / karmic angles are not involved.It’s important that one gets completely hypnotised before they are taken to a past life. There are ways a therapist can check the level of trance a client is in. If they are less than 50% there, the chances are their conscious mind will interfere.It’s not 100% necessary if everything is alright that one will experience a past life. There are two reasons why a person will not be able to experience past lives.
Firstly, if they are not able to get into a hypnotic trance which means they have an inability to relax. In this case they need to be worked on first to get them there. Secondly, sometimes, we are at a stage in life where a past life experience is blocked by our guides. There could be some blocks with regards to their own evolution, resolution of their problem at the sub-conscious level or a deserving of the resolution.Past Life Regression is an expensive therapy. It involves long hours of effort and energy put-in by the therapist. The decision for the right therapist needs to be based on how your energy resonates with them. No two therapists will give you the same experience so it definitely is a choice of quality over quantity. The idea here is that one needs to educate themselves on this therapy before jumping into it because one wrong experience will block them for any further growth, which will be sad. Past Life Regression is soul level work and has the power to transform one’s being and consciousness level so all I suggest is, tread carefully and allow yourself to be guided at all times. When the time is right and a past life needs to be resolved, you will find yourself attracted automatically to the right person who can help you in clearing the blockages .