It’s the future prediction of the person’s life based on the position of sky, stars and nakshatra when the person was born. It is advisable to visit the astrologer when any direction or solution is required but strongly recommended to keep on doing the karmas. I have seen the people waiting for the right time to come because an astrologer told them to wait for some time. No, this should not be the approach. Rather astrology should be taken as a support pillar to achieve what we want to as per the directions of the astrology, as astrologer should be a combination of a guide, consultant, a good listener and should not impose his ideas or costly remedies to the natives who are already in distress.
Right approach, consistent will power, faith in deity, right guidance are required to take a person away from tough times. These days it is very easy to feed the birth details in astrology software and see the current phase. But an expert astrologer will guide you through tough times and would let you know through his own spiritual energy and experience the events that are most likely to happen, so to say that the impact could be reduced to some extent of the likeable losses that are going to occur in future .